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Saturday, December 5, 2009
Ucapan Tok Guru Nik Aziz - Perasmian ECER
Uploaded by kdrajawali on Nov 1, 2007 : Ucapan ini tidak di siarkan oleh RTM.(bah 2)
SPRM: Ahmad Said bersara awal, diganti Abu Kassim Mohamed
Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed dilantik sebagai ketua pesuruhjaya baru Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) berkuatkuasa 1 Januari depan.
Ketua Setiausaha Negara, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, berkata pelantikan timbalan ketua pesuruhjaya itu berikutan permohonan bertulis Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan supaya khidmatnya dipendekkan kepada akhir tahun ini.
Tambahnya, Ahmad Said mengemukakan notis bertulis supaya kontrak perkhidmatannya yang sepatutnya tamat pada 25 Mei tahun depan dipendekkan kepada 31 Disember ini.
Susulan keputusan itu, Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong telah memperkenankan supaya Abu Kassim dilantik sebagai penggantinya, katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Berikut kenyataan penuh pelantikan Abu Kassim:
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Datuk Seri Ahmad Said bin Hamdan telah mengemukakan notis bertulis supaya kontrak perkhidmatan beliau sebagai ketua pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) yang sepatutnya tamat pada 25 Mei 2010 dipendekkan kepada 31 Disember 2009.
2. Kerajaan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas sumbangan Datuk Seri Ahmad Said bin Hamdan sepanjang perkhidmatan beliau dengan kerajaan.
Dalam tempoh menerajui SPRM sejak 14 Mei 2007, SPRM telah melaksanakan fungsi-fungsinya dengan cemerlang selaras dengan visinya untuk mewujudkan masyarakat Malaysia yang bebas daripada rasuah berlandaskan nilai-nilai kerohanian dan moral yang tinggi dan menjadikan SPRM agensi pembanterasan rasuah yang profesional dan unggul.
Dengan hasil usaha beliau, prestasi SPRM telah dapat dipertingkatkan.
3. Bagi mengisi jawatan yang akan dikosongkan oleh Datuk Seri Ahmad Said bin Hamdan, Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong berdasarkan peruntukan subseksyen 5(1) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 [Akta 694] telah memperkenankan supaya Datuk Abu Kassim bin Mohamed, timbalan ketua pesuruhjaya SPRM dilantik sebagai ketua pesuruhjaya SPRM yang baru, berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Januari 2010.
4. Datuk Abu Kassim bin Mohamed dilahirkan di Kuala Lumpur pada 5 Disember 1960, berkelulusan ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial dari Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang dan Sarjana Sains dalam bidang Criminal Justice dari Michigan State University, Amerika Syarikat.
Beliau memulakan kerjayanya dengan Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) pada 1 September 1984 apabila dilantik sebagai pegawai siasatan, Cawangan Tatatertib, ibu pejabat BPR, Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau pernah menyandang jawatan sebagai pengarah perancangan dan koordinasi dasar, Ibu Pejabat BPR, pengarah BPR Perak dan Pulau Pinang, pengarah Akademi Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia dan dipinjamkan sebagai ketua pegawai integriti, Amanah Raya Berhad.
Beliau telah dilantik sebagai timbalan ketua pengarah (Operasi) BPR pada 1 Jun 2007. Dengan berkuatkuasanya Akta 694 pada 1 Januari 2009, beliau telah dilantik sebagai timbalan ketua pesuruhjaya SPRM.
source malaysiakini
Thursday, December 3, 2009
'Unlawful sacking': Last chance for Anwar
After 11 years, Anwar Ibrahim's final chance to challenge his unlawful dismissal as deputy prime minister is being heard at the Federal Court today.
Whether Article 43(5) of the federal constitution specifically require the Agong to be the authority which revokes the appointment of the deputy prime minister and finance minister, or whether the cabinet has the right to revoke any appointment it makes; and
Whether the deletion of Anwar’s name as deputy premier and the substitution of Mahathir’s name as finance minister by virtue the Federal Government (Amendment) Order 1998, could in anyway cure the complete absence of the former premier complying with the explicit provision of the said Article 43(5).
Court of Appeal president Alauddin Mohd Sheriff, along with Federal Court judge Abdull Hamid Embung, will hear the appeal after it was postponed on Monday following justice Hashim Yusoff had decided to recuse himself.
Anwar’s lead counsel Karpal Singh said since Hashim had heard Anwar’s sodomy matter at the Court of Appeal, he should be removed from the bench as his presence may prejudice the trial.
Following this, Hashim said, “If you want me to recuse myself, I will”.The third judge hearing this appeal is justice Mohd Ghazali Mohd Yusoff.
Anwar was unsuccessful in the suit at the High Court when it struck out the matter. The Court of Appeal has also dismissed his appeal and ruled Anwar’s dismissal as lawful.
Three judges at the apex court would decide two questions of law and most importantly, should it decide in favour of Anwar, his application for damages.
The two questions are:
Whether Article 43(5) of the federal constitution specifically require the Agong to be the authority which revokes the appointment of the deputy prime minister and finance minister, or whether the cabinet has the right to revoke any appointment it makes; and
Whether the deletion of Anwar’s name as deputy premier and the substitution of Mahathir’s name as finance minister by virtue the Federal Government (Amendment) Order 1998, could in anyway cure the complete absence of the former premier complying with the explicit provision of the said Article 43(5).
Court of Appeal president Alauddin Mohd Sheriff, along with Federal Court judge Abdull Hamid Embung, will hear the appeal after it was postponed on Monday following justice Hashim Yusoff had decided to recuse himself.
Anwar’s lead counsel Karpal Singh said since Hashim had heard Anwar’s sodomy matter at the Court of Appeal, he should be removed from the bench as his presence may prejudice the trial.
Following this, Hashim said, “If you want me to recuse myself, I will”.The third judge hearing this appeal is justice Mohd Ghazali Mohd Yusoff.
Anwar was unsuccessful in the suit at the High Court when it struck out the matter. The Court of Appeal has also dismissed his appeal and ruled Anwar’s dismissal as lawful.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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